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Sept. 12 2019
My daughter, Cassie, age 13, standing in front of one of the 9/11 memorial fountains during our trip to New York City in June. Earlier this summer, my daughter, Cassie, and I were in New York
Aug. 15 2019
Earlier this summer, I was on a search to find the right clipper blades. This challenge reminded me once again that the dairy business has changed, and that holds true in the showing world, too
Aug. 1 2019
This summer our stress level has been heightened. From late planting to shortage of labor to a barn fire — we are undoubtedly overwhelmed and tense
July 22 2019
Last month over 30 4-H, FFA, and post-secondary students from the United States traveled to Scotland as part of the International Dairy Judging Tour
July 8 2019
While different philosophies for breeding cattle cover the world, the same general idea of what is a desirable cow still holds true
July 5 2019
We began planting corn on the third of June, nearly six weeks later than we originally planned
April 29 2019
The first day of school. Getting your driver’s license. Graduation day. Each is new beginning that comes with responsibility and new experiences
Feb. 28 2019
Let me start off by saying that no major decision should ever be made during a crisis. Let's be honest, it would have been real easy to throw in the towel and find a new occupation during last month's...
Feb. 26 2019
For many parts of the country, winter teased us with a mild start. Then mid-January hit, and along came snow, frigid cold, record-breaking wind chills, and ice
Feb. 14 2019
Really, the little acts of kindness that come from my dairy farmer husband — at the least expected of times and the most needed of times — are what make my heart skip a beat
Jan. 3 2019
I'm kind of rediscovering who I am and what my hopes are
12_2018_Dr Dave poem
Dec. 7 2018
David Dickson, known to many as Dr. Dave, was a longtime professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and well-respected dairy judging coach
Nov. 23 2018
Even though there were many holidays I wasn't able to spend with my parents after moving east, my parents still made their presence felt with phone calls, greeting cards, prayers, and laughter
Nov. 8 2018
After saving up money from bottle-feeding calves, bedding down calf hutches, and cleaning out our garage, our youngest son, Jacob, came up with enough money for a down payment to purchase his first heifer
Oct. 29 2018
The National Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Management Contest Career Development Event (CDE) took place last week in Indianapolis, Ind., during the National FFA Convention
Oct. 11 2018
You were my life cheerleader, and I'm so thankful for that. I wish you could see your grandchildren now
Oct. 6 2018
The World Classic Sale lineup offered something for all buyers, from heifers with huge genomic numbers over 2900 GTPI to daughters of the world’s greatest show cows classified up to EX-97
Oct. 4 2018
Maple Fudge of 12 Oaks, owned by siblings Colton and Ashley Brandel of Lake Mills, Wis., was named Grand Champion of the International Milking Shorthorn Show at World Dairy Expo
Oct. 4 2018
National Dairy Shrine will host 350 guests at their annual banquet on the grounds of World Dairy Expo on Thursday evening at 5:30 p.m
Oct. 4 2018
Whether it’s clipping, leading, doing nightline, or something else, everybody has a way of helping out to make sure the cattle make it to the ring ready for the show